食い逃げ (Dine and Dash)
I collected a lot of sticker pics back in high school.
自動猫型掃除機 『TOMBA』 (Vacuum Cleaning Cat, Tomba)
Fuchimo is not very good at eating.
花束 (Flowers)
I got a nice bouquet of flowers, yay!
類似品にご注意 (Beware of Imitations)
Wet cat food lately tends to be sold in plastic packs instead of cans.
猫になりたい瞬間 (Moments You Want to be Cat)
On a cold winter day. “It’s so cold. Don’t wanna go to work.”
SPねこ (Inspector Cat)
Tommy likes to check your food for poison.
ねこかしこい (Cats are Smart)
Cats can understand what humans are saying.
必須アイテム (A Most Needed Item)
What shall I wear today.. I’m so sleepy (yawn).
世の中、思い通りにはいかないもので (Things Don’t Go as Planned)
Fuchimo was a pretty fat cat.
めんこのフーチモ (Cute Fuchimo)
Fuchimo has a cat like personality (does everything at own pace, lay in the sun, etc.) Tommy is a stalker that likes to follow you around everywhere.